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Showing posts from June, 2020

List of Wild or Forest Animals Name with chart for kids in English and Hindi , Wild Animals Name

Wild animals are those animals which lives in forest. Wild animals could not domesticated and this very difficult to domesticate them because they live in their forest with their natural habitats. Forest animals are totally different from Domestic animals. These also can be found in water animals List of wild animals name in English and Hindi is given below in the blog Tiger - बाघ Zebra - ज़ेबरा Gorilla - गोरिल्ला Antelope - मृग Walrus - वालरस Panda - पांडा Wolf - भेड़िया Giraffe - जिराफ़ Camel ­- ऊंट Leopard - तेंदुआ Lion - सिंह Bison - जंगली सांड Koala - कोअला Monkey - बंदर Jaguar - जैगुआर Coyote - कोयोट Bear - भालू Porcupine - साही Chimpanzee - चिंपांज़ी Arctic wolf - भेड़िया Elephant - हाथी Snake - साँप Fox - लोमड़ी Hippopotamus - जलहस्ती Gorilla - गोरिल्ला Yak - याक Badger - बज्जू Kangaroo - कंगेरू Reindeer - हिरन Hedgehog - कांटेदार जंगली चूहा This list of forest animals name is very useful for kids. In this artic...

Domestic Animals name with chart and images in English and Hindi , Pet Animals Name

In this article you can understand Domestic animals name with the help of domestic animals chart and images. You should teach these domestic animals name to your kids in English with Hindi meaning Goose - बत्तख Dog – कुत्ता Camel - ऊंट Bitch - कुतिया Horse - घोड़ा Hen - मुर्गी Cow - गाय Ox - बैल rooster  - मुरग़ा duck - बत्तख rabbit - खरगोश Buffalo - भेंस Mouse - चूहा Cock – मुर्गा Turkey - तुर्की Llama – लामा Sheep - भेड़ Goat – बकरा Pig - सूअर Calf - गाय का बच्चा Donkey – गधा chicken - मुर्गी                       I hope this helped you to understand the name domestic animals To learn about water animals name click here

Sea, Aquatic or Water Animals name with chart kids

List of water animals with chart and images for kids in hindi and english or sea, aquatic animals In this artical you can check or read the list of  water animals or aquatic animals , and in this artical you can easly understand sea animals name with the help of water animals chart for your kids                                          Crab - केकड़ा Cormorant – जलकाग Walrus - वालरस Seal - सील Sea turtle - समुद्री कछुआ Octopus ऑक्टोपस Squid – स्क्वीड Fish -  मछली Walrus - वालरस Pelican – हवासील Seahorse - समुद्री घोड़े Shark - शार्क Clams - बड़ी सीप Shells – गोले Eel - बाम मछली Starfish - तारामीन Sea urchin - समुद्री अर्चिन Shrimp – झींगा Jellyfish – जेलिफ़िश Otter - ऊद Penguin – पेंगुइन Sea lion – सील Sea anemone - समुद्री एनिमोन Seagull - गंगा - चिल्ली Oyster - सीप Lobster - झींगा मछली Dolphin - डॉल्फिन Coral – मूंगा Pelican – हवासील ...