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Aerial Animals List | Flying Animals that fly, or BIRDS NAME

Aerial animals are the animals that can fly, soar or glide naturally in the air with the help of their strong wings. They can do all the major activities while flying like hunting, eating, even sleeping and so on.

This article will help you to understand the aerial animals name with chart. The birds name are given below

  1. Mute Swan
  2. Osprey
  3. Warbler
  4. Indigo Bunting
  5. Blue Jay
  6. Puffin
  7. House sparrow
  8. Oriole
  9. Cardinal
  10. Pigeon
  11. Wren
  12. Dunnock
  13. Parrot
  14. Starling
  15. Greenfinch
  16. Magpie
  17. Crow
  18. Robin
  19. Pheasant
  20. Skylark
  21. Swallow
  22. Gray Heron
  23. Willow Warbler
  24. Mallard
  25. Common Gull
  26. Flying fox
  27. Flying Ants
  28. Butterflies
  29. Song Thrush
  30. Woodpecker
  31. Crow
  32. Blue Tit
  33. Chaffinch
  34. Hummingbird
  35. Cockatoo
  36. Flamenco
  37. Moth
  38. Mobula blanket
  39. Eagle
  40. Bat

Aerial Animals chart
I hope these 40 aerial animals name had helped you a lot, for more information like this please follow my blog
For wild animals name click here
For water animals name click here
for domestic animals name click here


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